Saturday, February 6, 2010


super junior dikritik .
saat 19th seoul music awards yang berlangsung pada bulan februari .
(at kyuhyun birthday)
mereka dikritik karena merayakan ulang tahun sang magnae .

tindakan mereka itu dianggap seperti sejenis mengumbar sensasi.
dan atas tindakan mereka itu ,
para penonton menjadi tidak memerhatikan artis yang sedang di atas panggung dan mengalihkan pandangan mereka ke meja super junior ,

padahal ,
menurut saksi mata yang ada  .
mereka memang melakukan hal itu .
tetapi mereka melakukannya ketika sedang break ,dan MC belum membacakan nama pemenangnya .

merekapun dikecam oleh berbagai pihak .

apa salahnya jika mereka ingin bergembira sedikit ?
lagipula di kesempatan inilah mereka dapat merayakan ulangtahun sang magnae .

you'll be the judge ...

here's the vid :

super junior 19th seoul music awards which took place in February.(at kyuhyun birthday)they are criticized for celebrating the magnae birthdaytheir actions were regarded as a kind of indulgence in sensation.and for their actions,the audience did not pay attention to artists who were on the stage and turned their eyes to the table super junior,
whereas,according to witnesses there.they are doing it.,but when they do break, and the MC had not read the name of the winner.

of those being criticized by various parties.

what's wrong if they want to have a little fun?furthermore on this occasion they were able to celebrate the anniversary magnae.

you'll be the judge ...

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