Monday, February 8, 2010

superjunior UFO

apa itu UFO ?
sebenernya gue juga rada ngga ngerti ,tapi sejauh yang gue tau .
kita bisa chet ama angoota superjunior .
dan denger2 ,yang paling sering ngebalesin text dari ELF adalah Cho Kyu Hyun ..

nih kalimat yang gue baca :

UFO Town is a site where fans can send messages to their favorite artists (only listed artists in the site) via Korean hand phone or directly to that site by having a Korean ID and buying some coins in order to send messages. Among the highlights of UFO is that Super Junior sends their replies immediately. Yes, all the replies are from Super Junior.

Now that the secret is out, ELF are sending in their messages as often as they like, with a record number of sweet messages and sweet replies from Super Junior featured this month.

nih beberapa video dan artikel ttg UFO :)



chet ELF dan anggota suju di UFO .

ELF: What type of girls does Siwon Gege like?
Siwon: Kind-hearted.
Kibum: Christians can’t tell lies, right?
Siwon: …… Beautiful, hot body.

ELF: Gege, reply me, let me feel blessed too.
Eunhyuk: Reply.
Ryeowook: Reply reply.
Sungmin: Reply reply reply.
Yesung: Reply reply reply reply.

ELF: Congratulations to Kangin for being the most popular in UFO, there is a special prize of $1000, for instructions to collect the prize, please reply.
Kangin: Reply!
Hankyung: You are a Chinese ELF, the one who used the same method to trick me into replying the other time?

ELF: Han Geng Han Xiao Meh, yes, i’m calling you, don’t pretend to not hear, make a sound. [meh is the sound a goat makes]
Hankyung: Meh~~~
Kangin: Chinese ELF? Caught!
Yesung: Have you eaten?
Donghae: Give me iced water, thanks, i’m hungry.

ELF: SJ-T fighting! SJ the top!
Donghae: Who is SJ-T, ELF, please support SJ-M!
Yesung: All of the adorable ELF, please support SJ-H!
Ryeowook: Don’t forget about KRY!
Leeteuk: All of you tired of living? Go back to sleep!
Shindong: Heechul hyung and Hankyung hyung are in the bathroom giving Champagne and Heebum a bubble bath, tears, I haven’t bathed.

ELF: I love you! Kim Jaejoong!!!
Hankyung: How do you know that i’m currently on the phone with Jaejoong?! Amazing! Jaejoong, it’s yours……
Donghae: Wo Ai Ni! Xiang La Xiao Long Xia! [literally translated as 'fragrant spicy little lobster']
Heechul: Lee Donghae, don’t embarrass yourself together with your Hankyung hyung……
Hankyung: Heechul…… you’re biased!
Leeteuk: Low key low key! [as in, to keep a low profile]

ELF: Heechul Gege and Hankyung Gege, get married!
Yesung: I do!
Heechul: With who? Hankyung? Don’t know him very well.
Hankyung: Irresponsible fella, don’t have to take responsibility after eating? [eating here is a pun, R-21 references]
Siwon: Hyung, please help me stop my nose from bleeding.
Hankyung: What were you thinking, I was talking about eating my Beijing Fried Rice!
Leeteuk: Kids…… Keep it low key [as in, to keep a low profile]

ELF: One who only reads the messages and not reply are fools. [endearing term]
Donghae: Referring to you, the one below.
Kyuhyun: Referring to you, the one below.
Ryeowook: Referring to you, the one below.
Kibum: ……
Eunhyuk: Now, can’t dive either? [to dive means to hide]
Hankyung: You cannot see me, you cannot see me……
Siwon: To prove that I’m not a fool……
Leeteuk: All of you are really free nowadays, is it?

ELF: Is Heechul Gege playing games again? [refering to computer games]
Kangin: Zai nan zai nan! [zai nan is a term to refer to guys who do not go out, but stay home to play games]
Donghae: You are the zai nan, you and Leeteuk and your whole house are all zai nan.
Heechul: Donghae! Good job!

ELF: Hankyung Gege, your body is really good, let us take a look while you are bathing.
Heechul: Hankyung, remember to collect money.
Leeteuk: Good idea, I’ll pay here.
Hankyung:To go out to collect money while bathing, isn’t that crazy.

ELF: Geges(s) have to be together forever.
Leeteuk: Together with every ELF forever, love all of you.
Kyuhyun: Hyung, that was really greasy.
Shindong: Nods.
Yesung: Digs nose……

ELF: Gege(s) usually read fanfictions about who?
Shindong: about KangTeuk child-bearing, Eunhyuk’s recommendation.
Leeteuk: ……
Donghae: Xi Jing, Hankyung hyung’s recommendation. [Xi Jing = Hee Jing? Hee for Heechul, Jing for Beijing? Please verify! Haha.]
Hankyung: ……

ELF: Bang Sang~ (greetings in alien language)

Sungmin: Bang Sang~ This isnt our language~ Ours is more special Bung Syang?~ sounds a bit vulgar. ㅋㅋ

ELF: New Heart (a kdrama) has ended~ Can only listen to Kiss The Radio~

Shindong: “Single Daddy in Love” is even more interesting. ㅋㅋ

ELF: When I received a reply, I was also given a 1 million won bread at the same time!

Heechul: Give me half the bread

ELF: Ah~~ Really complicated~ I got a shock~ Wah!! *** (Some dialect from Donghae’s hometown)

Donghae: Ah~ I’m also from Joella (全羅道), nice to meet you~~

ELF: Oppas, I’m being pestered terribly. ㅠㅠㅠ

Sungmin: I’m also being pestered terribly. ㅋㅋ

ELF: Oppas, do you want to know my sleeping habits?

Sungmin: No, so scary .. ㅋㅋ

ELF: Oppas, I want to succeed in booking tickets!!!~ Oppas, I will be going as Heenim’s fans, please remember me~~ ㅋㅋ

Angel Teuk: Coming dressed like Heechul?? Where will you be? Oppa will go there. ㅋㅋ

ELF: Oppa, if there’s not enough helpers at the dorm, contact me immediately ㅋㅋ

Ryeowook: What if it’s too dirty?~ ㅋㅋㅋ

ELF: Oppa, oppa! Let’s get married~ You dont need to say anything else, just reply~ ㅠㅠㅠ

Yesung: Reply. ㅋㅋ~

ELF: Attack on the Unsightly Boys!!!! (.. honestly, i dont know how to translate the title .. sorry /:) Kouwoo! ^0^

Heechul: Wanna die?

ELF: What’s on Super Junior’s bread

Heechul: Sesames, sesames

ELF: SJ everything~ SJ everything~ All of SJ smells good and looks good!

Heechul: The same as you

ELF: Cylindrical eggrolls are so interesting. 룩~룩~룩셈부르크 (Luxemburg’s lyrics)!!! What’s the next line~?

Angel Teuk: 아아아리헨티나

ELF: Oppas!! Oppas should wait for ELFs when dancing!!! We always get so mixed up

Eunhyuk: Ah, is that why you’re angry? I’ll coordinate with ELFs next time before dancing!! Don’t be angry~~

ELF: These days oppas are looking really charismatic

Kyuhyun: Im cute

ELF: I might be going (to Japan) to study

Kyuhyun: Don’t go

ELF: Because I really like (Super Junior), my heart is nearly bursting with love~ Min oppa, I love you~!!

Sungmin: Ah~~ If its bursting, not allowed~~

ELF: Omona ^^ I smell something weird, reminds me of Donghae oppa!

Sungmin: Move away ..

ELF: Super Junior are idiots

Kangin: What?!

ELF: Seeing Super Junior will definitely scream!!!

Sungmin: Super Junior

ELF: Ah! Oppa~ What will Oppa do in UFO (town) tomorrow?

Sungmin: I’m from outerspace~ Going back to our planet on an UFO

ELF: I know what you did last night~ Be careful when you’re going home!

Donghae: I’m so scared - - I did nothing wrong~

ELF: Teuk is an ahjussi! Starting calling yourself ahjussi, you already reached the ahjussi age!! ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

Angel Teuk: Why should I!!!!!!!! I’m Oppa!!!!!!!

ELF: Kangin oppa! You have a beer belly~ Is it because you keep drinking? Please quit!!

Kangin: … Didn’t you notice I slimmed down?

ELF: Oppas, what’s the accepted age difference for dating oppas?~ Until which year? ㅎㅎ

Yesung: Um!~~~~~~~ Age isnt a factor~ ㅋㅋ

ELF: I bought a pair of shoes recently, but its an imitation~ ㅠㅠ~! The brand is fake!

Donghae: How can this happen?? Come, Oppa will go with you!!

ELF: Some oppas’ replies are too common~~

Eunhyuk: Even then you’ll still understand our hearts?

ELF: Getting close, idolizing, getting closer, staying with (oppas) every second … … What do we get in the end?

Heechul: Your mum’s beatings, naggings … and exploding electricity bills and lousy results, but you’re the greatest ELF!!

ELF: These words “Love you”~~

Donghae: I love you~~ Really grateful for all your support~ I love you ELFs

ELF: What are you thinking about now!!! You??? You!!! Thinking about ELFs???

Ryeowook: I’m discovered~~ ^-^ ?

ELF: Oppa’s appetite doesnt look good, did you eat something wrong?

Kyuhyun: Your love caused food poisoning~

ELF: Oppa~ A friend from the next class is boasting because she got a reply~~

Heechul: Don’t be envious, it’s your turn to boast~~

ELF: I feel a bit bad toward other (SJ) Couple, but …… KangTeuk is Zzang!! Really!!

Super Junior: Isn’t it EunHae!?

ELF: Teuk oppa, “Park Jungsoo belongs to Kim Youngwoon”, shout it on KTR once

Kangin: Understood~ Leeteuk is mine~

ELF: Has Teuk oppa ever taken control over Kangin oppa before?

Kangin: …… Do i look that weak?

ELF: Donghae oppa!!!! Please!!! Marry!!!! ELF!!!???

Hyukjae: I oppose to the marriage

ELF: bangsang! gailang gailang “ bibienbiongbiongdongdidadibulangbulang!~ The one who can translate this is the best

Heechul: Kim Heechul nice!! daksong~~

Angel Teuk: Sounds like the beautiful love between SJ and ELF~~

Kyuhyun: ㅋ , this guy’s popularity …

ELF: Magnaes zzang! Oppas, listen to me!! Aren’t the magnaes’ replies superb trends?

Yesung: I say …

Kyuhyun: You .. Are you Eunhyukkie?

ELF: Can’t sleep But there’s nothing to do .. Ah .. So boring ..

Ryeowook: Can’t sleep~? ㅋㅋㅋ

ELF: (At this time!!!!) Yes!! Can’t sleep =_=

Kyuhyun: What to do

ELF: Super Junior 83LINE!! Calling all magnaes (Ryeowook Kyuhyun) Just as well, Oppas dont have nicknames Say something to the oppas!!

Kyuhyun: Hyungs come here~ ^^ Have you found it (nicknames)?

Yesung: I give up

ELF: Why are oppas all so skinny!! Grow some meat

Angel Teuk: Sorry …

ELF: Ha choo .. Ha ah .. ㅋ !! Ha ah .. Choo ㅋ .. Ah .. ㅋ .. /What am I saying?

Eunhyuk: The same thing .. ㅋㅋ

ELF: I .. dreamt of watching mature (themed) animes with Hyukjae oppa … What kind of dream is this?

SJ: Mature (themed) anime dream … If Eunhyuk watches this, his eyes will become as red as lanterns!!!

ELF: Why isn’t there any replies from Siwon oppa?

Donghae: Busy praying …
ELF: ELF is working hard and voting~~ Please wait~~ For the awards~~ The awards will come flying

Heechul: The award .. When it comes .. Please avoid the corners. Your head will break if it hits

ELF: Kibum oppa!! Oppa has no hands or feet!! There’s no reply at all ..

Ryeowook: No fingers …

ELF: The best with words in Super Junior.

Kyuhyun: Me?
ELF: Are oppas humans? How can all be so handsome!!!!

Hyukjae: I’m not human~ Aren’t I a precious stone?

ELF: Who are you~ I’m ELF~ Who are you~?

Heechul: What’s with the informal tone

ELF: Kyuhyun oppa’s double eyelid surgery looks so natural, Oppa is really zzang!

Kyuhyun: I think so too~~ I’m so zzang~

ELF: Super Junior are idiots

Ryeowook: bada’s baby~~

ELF: Do you want to marry me~~ Youngwoon~~~

Kyuhyun: What about me?

ELF: The Eldest Son of the Village (the title of some movie)

Kyuhyun: That idiot is you (a character from the movie)

ELF: Donghae oppa, shall we go watch a musical??

Kyuhyun: Why can’t I go?

ELF: Donghae oppa, let’s go eat sashimi together .. My treat!!

Ryeowook: I really really like sashimi too!!!

ELF: What’s sexy back, please explain!!!!!!

Kyuhyun: Do I really have to?

ELF: Eunhyuk oppa is watching porn right? Heard you were caught in the act

Hyukjae: You’re reading fanfictions right! Caught in the act too? —– ELF faints~~

ELF: Kyuhyun oppa pretends to be abdominal everyday .. That’s so fake!!!

Kyuhyun: o o

ELF: Oppa~ Your mind is elsewhere right?

Kyuhyun: o o

ELF: Oppa I want a seat!

Kyuhyun: Super Show sold out in 1 minute

ELF: Wah~~ (Oppas’) Replies are so sincerely sent!! So touching, so touching {purposely exaggerated}

Kyuhyun: Of course

ELF: The handsomest man on Earth is Cho Kyuhyun (I AGREE~! ^^)

Kyuhyun: I know

ELF: Abdominal!! Abdominal Kyu!! Why do you reply everyday~~ So evil

Kyuhyun: Don’t like it?

ELF: Oppa I’m so bored, play with me~~

Kyuhyun: - - ?

ELF: Oppa is an idiot

Kyuhyun: Compared to you, Im a genius


Heechul: Hu
ELF: Oppa .. Love these days are too restricting. Give me something special

Ryeowook: ㅋ (cough)

ELF: Do you like me?

Kangin: Hng

ELF: What is oppa doing?

Kyuhyun: Sleeping

ELF: Kyu oppa, is there really something? Why are you so steadfast~

Kyuhyun: …………………

ELF: Oppa, I’m a little nervous. ㅠㅠㅠ

Kyuhyun: ㅋㅋ

ELF: You’re been selected, obey now. Please shout. GO!

Kyuhyun: GO

ELF: I’m alive because of oppas, ㅋㅋㅋ

Kyuhyun: ㅋ
ELF: Pretending that we’re in love now, please do an in love expression!!!

Heechul: in love expression

ELF: Youngwoon Raccoon~ (Full House, nickname given to Kangin by Anya)

Kangin: Say that again

ELF: Because there’re no replies, I feel bad -,-

Kangin: Don’t be

ELF: Oppa I .. Booking tickets .. I’m so nervous ㅠㅠㅠ

Kyuhyun: 0 0

ELF: Kyu oppa, I’m also becoming steadfast

Kyuhyun: 0 0
ELF: Super Junior is stupid~ Didn’t think of that right~~ Tsk~~~ ^0^ Immature Junior~!!!

Kyuhyun: Reflect (ASHDJSGKJSDHGK! reflect! xDDDDD)

 donghae and eunhyuk (donghae is a sweet guy)

dapat diambil kesimpulan ,kalo tampang kyu oppa itu menipu .
anggota suju m saat di interview juga bilang kalo yang paling bawel di suju m adalah kyuu .(apalagi pas lagi main game) .
dan diakui kalo kyu itu tingkat kenarsisannya sama kayak heechul oppa .

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